1 min read

Yokozuna promotions


We’ll continue working with banzuke dataset.

Read banzuke.csv with hard-coded column types:

df <- read_csv(
    col_types = "ciccccDddcii"

We’ll find all promotions to the rank of Yokozuna since 1983:

df %>% 
    # wrestlers with the rank of Yokozuna
    filter(grepl("^Y", rank)) %>% 
    # find earliest tournament (basho) for each wrestler
    group_by(id) %>% 
        rikishi = last(rikishi, order_by = basho),
        basho = min(basho)
    ) %>% 
    # only wrestlers who were promoted after 1983.01 (first basho in this dataset)
    filter(basho > min(df$basho)) %>% 
    # sort
## # A tibble: 14 x 3
##       id rikishi     basho  
##    <int> <chr>       <chr>  
##  1  4104 Takanosato  1983.09
##  2  4136 Futahaguro  1986.09
##  3  1339 Hokutoumi   1987.07
##  4  1350 Onokuni     1987.11
##  5  1342 Asahifuji   1990.09
##  6     1 Akebono     1993.03
##  7     2 Takanohana  1995.01
##  8     3 Wakanohana  1998.07
##  9     4 Musashimaru 1999.07
## 10   878 Asashoryu   2003.03
## 11  1123 Hakuho      2007.07
## 12  1111 Harumafuji  2012.11
## 13  1219 Kakuryu     2014.05
## 14  1235 Kisenosato  2017.03

I was very surprised to find an old video I shot on a flip phone in January 2007. This is Hakuho, a young ozeki, still on the way to his promotion in July: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu3vS2qHFAA